"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a nutritional deficiency."  - Linus Pauling, PhD.


Essential oils for better oral health

Use of an Essential Oil Blend in Biological Dentistry

by  | Feb 23, 2021 | Oral Health & Hygiene | 0 comments

The following article was written by Patricia Bandy, RDH, in completion of requirements to become an IABDM Certified Biological Hygienist. Congratulations, Patricia!
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Essential oils can be used as an adjunct to healing therapy. The following will discuss the essential oils to be used for this particular blend, mixed together in a serum, and placed in colored glass vials to protect from light. Recommendations on how the oils should be used by the client or clinician will be advised. The reasons why it is a benefit to the client to use this blend of oils versus conventional recommendations from a regular dental office will also be discussed.

The first ingredient is Cocos nucifera, or coconut oil. The lauric acid in coconut oil has been proven to be antimicrobial. It has been linked to the benefits of reducing inflammation in the skin and wound healing. This is also used as a carrier oil, which is used to dilute the essential oil and carry it to the skin of the client. Coconut oil is soothing and hydrating, making it beneficial for those with dry mouth.

Peppermint oil, often used for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, also adds a refreshing flavor to freshen breath. It has also been used in French Medicine for Candida.

Thyme oil, from the botanical family Labiatae or mint, is highly antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It is also an antioxidant and has a measurement of 159,590 on the ORAC score (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, an attempt to quantify the total antioxidant capability of the source).

Clove oil is the next powerful essential oil. It has analgesic, anti-bacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. In a work published by Dorman and Deans, the antibacterial activity of thyme and clove was tested against 25 strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These oils had the widest spectrum of activity. The antiviral activity of eugeniin was found effective against the herpes simplex virus. According to scientific research, it has proven to reduce biofilm on teeth. It boasts a high antioxidant value, topping the ORAC scale at 10,786,875. It stimulates the immune system. Used in dentistry for years to suppress a toothache, the eugenol in clove, along with zinc oxide, is the basis for ZOE temporary filling material to settle the nerve, disinfect, and heal the tooth. Clove also has a numbing effect that has proven effective with a past client who refused topical anesthetic for scaling. 
Spearmint is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. It is also used in French medicine for Candida. It helps to freshen breath. Spearmint has an ORAC value of 5,398. 

Almond oil is added, also as a carrier oil. It works as an emollient, which makes an excellent moisturiser for those who suffer from dry mouth. It also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting benefits.

It is wise to mention that not all essential oils are the same. Purchasing from a reputable company that uses pure ingredients, no additives, and practices sustainable methods of harvesting is encouraged.
Two to three drops of this Essential Oil Serum is to be applied on a toothbrush used to brush for 2 minutes before expectorating. Health Canada does not approve internal ingestion of essential oils. 
bottles of essential oilsThe oils will bind to the tissues and provide healing to areas of inflammation. Areas of inflammation include diagnosed gingival conditions of gingivitis and periodontitis. Signs of oral candidiasis on the tongue, palate, and under dentures may benefit from the combination due to the antifungal properties. The patient should be advised to use the oil to brush oral appliances and dentures to remove microbes and Candida, and to freshen from odors, as not to re-introduce pathogens to the mouth. 

Placing the blend on cold sores may lessen their duration and heal, as clove oil has been proven antiviral. This blend can also be used in a session of oil pulling (Ayurvedic medicine), where they add 2-3 drops in coconut oil and swish for 10 to 20 minutes, until it becomes a frothy, white consistency, and then expectorate. But brushing the teeth and flossing after are still the best recommended method of removing biofilm from the teeth. They should not substitute oil pulling for regular home care. 

Caution should be used with essential oils, as they are antibacterial in nature, so there is a risk of disrupting the balance of oral microflora. Using a reputable probiotic chewable tablet would be beneficial to balance the oral microbiome.

Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant should take caution when using essential oils. Some individuals can have a sensitivity to the oils, so testing of choice can be done to ascertain the patient’s tolerance.

It is important to offer patients a healthy alternative to commercial mouthwashes that contain harsh ingredients. Alcohol dries the oral cavity and should be avoided. There have been studies done on the dyes used in mouthwashes. These studies have shown dyes to be linked to hyperactivity, including ADHD, irritability, depression, hives and allergic reactions, asthma, and tumor growth, as some dyes have benzidine ,which is a carcinogen linked to bladder and pancreatic cancer.

There is a place for essential oils in biological dentistry. They are beneficial to aiding clients in better oral health through their antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. Patients are instructed as to the number of uses to ascertain these benefits. Patients are given an alternative to commercial mouthwashes, to reduce the possible systemic side effects of ingredients in these products and still freshen their breath.


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